1). Chlorophyceae (green algae)
* Fresh water, marine and terrestrial
* Unicellular motile forms, colonial, nonmotila thalli as well as
filamentous thallus .
* Dominant pigment chl a and b alogwith carotenoids.
* Reserve food starch but oil in perennating structures.
* Motile cells with equal flagella of same length
* Sexual reproduction oogamous.
* Chloroplast polymophism.
*Pyrenoid body
* Life cycle usually haplontic .
* Zygotic meiosis .
Ex. chara, oedogonium, ulothrix, chlamydomonas, ulva .
2).Xanthophyceae (yellow green algae )
* Aseptate, tuber, brached coenocytic thallus.
*Freshwater or terrestrial.
* Dominant pigments chl a and chl e and carotenoids
*Reserve food oil and leucosin
* Motile cells with unequal flagellal or diffenat type.
* life cycle haplontic with zygotic meiosis.
* congrosira stage found.
Ex. vaucheria, botrydium .
3). Chrysophyceae
* Mostly freshwater sometimes marine.
* Chl a and c and an excess of phycochrysin (yellow orange)
*Reserve food oil and leucosin.
* sexual reproduction rare, when present isogamous.
*Motile cell have 1 or 2 flagella of equal or rarely unequal length.
4).Bacillariophyceae (Diatoms)
* Freshwater as well as marine
*Cell wall silicaceous with two halves.
*Chl a and c carotene and xanthophylls ( lutein and fucoxathin).
* Reserve food oil and chrysolaminarin .
* Motile stages with 1 or 2 tinsel flagella.
* Reproduction three type - vegetative, asexual, sexual .
* Vegetative repoduction by fission or cell division .
* Asexual reproduction by Autospores and statospores.
* Sexual reproduction by autogamous.
Ex. Navicula, Synendra, pinnularia, Melosira.
5) Cryptophyceae
* Found in cold and subsurface of freshwater as well as marine habitat.
* Pigment chl a, c, xanthophyll, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin.
* Reserve food starch, pyrenoid present.
* Sexual reproduction isogamous.
6) Dinophyceae(Dinoflagellates )
* Freshwater as well as marine and unicellular, motile biflagellate forms.
*Pigments chlorophyll a and c phycoerythrin, red peridinin.
*Reserve food starch and fat.
* Sexual reproduction rare, when present isogamous.
* Bioluninisence .
Ex. Noctiluca.
7) Chloromonadineae
* Simple freshwater forms .
* Bright green due to an excess of chlorophylls and xanthophylls.
* Reproduction by longitudinal division.
*Found in freshwater as well as saline habitat.
*Unicellular motile forms with one or two flagella.
* Cell wall absent, pellicle present.
* Pigments chl a and b
* Reproduction by fission.
9). phaeophyceae(brown algae)
* Mostly marine.
* Largest algae Macrocystic.
* Cell wall cellulose , pection, alyinates.
* Pigmentation chl a, chlc, carotenoids fucoxanthin.
* Stored food Mannital and laminarin.
* Flagella two unequal laterally placed .
Ex. sargassum, fucus, ectocarpus, dictyta, laminaria .
10). Rhodophyceae ( red algae)
*Mostly multicellular.
*Mostly marine.
*cell wall cellulose, poysulphate ester,agar- agar carageenar.
* Pigmentation chla, chl b, carotenoids, phycobilium,
*Reserve food is floridean starch.
* Formation of a fruiting body the carposporophyte.
*Sexual reproduction oogamous.
*life cycle trigenic.
Ex. Porphyra, polysiphonia, gracilaria, gelidium, chondrus.
11). Myxophyceae ( blue green algae)
* Freshwater, terrestrial, epiphytic, endophytic and symbiotic.
*Pigments chl a, xanthophylls, c-phycocyanin.
*Reserve food glycogen, cyanophycan starch, metachromation granules.
* Conventional sexual reprodution abseant.
*Cell wall Mucopolypetide.
*Algal blooms - Nostoc, oscillatoria.
Ex. Rivularis, Gloeotrichia.